Huawei in Germany’s 5G network: Why the ban comes too late – Table.Media

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Letzte Aktualisierung: July 11, 2024

Die 5G-Funksendeanlage Anlage von der Firma HUAWEI versorgt die Mindelheimer Innenstadt mit 5G-schneller Mobilfunkgeschwindigkeit.
Many radio masts in Germany are still equipped with Huawei technology. (IMAGO / MiS)

The dispute over how to deal with Huawei is coming to an end. The result is a compromise that tries to please everyone.

The years-long dispute in Germany over how to deal with mobile communications components from China is coming to an end. The German government and network operators have reached a compromise on how to handle technology from Chinese companies. The result: not everything has to go. Nancy Faeser (SPD) explained this in Berlin on Thursday. “We have now reached a clear and strict agreement with the telecommunications companies,” said the Federal Minister of the Interior. Corresponding contracts will now be signed this week.

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