Yesterday, software and connected products innovator 1NCE announced the launch of its High Data IoT solution – available now for one global price (and with no hidden fees, volume commitments or overage penalties, to boot). This, as I wrote in my coverage of 1NCE’s High Data IoT, challenges the industry paradigm; for only $5 USD per GB (with speeds up to 25 Mb/s that meet use case requirements without bottlenecks), 1NCE is enabling the smarter scaling of IoT deployments and connecting high data products anywhere with this offering.
This exemplifies 1NCE’s M.O., through and through. As Ivo Rook, 1NCE’s COO, has said on more than one occasion, “IoT customers demand simplicity, and industry players everywhere try to make that promise. But 1NCE actually delivers, and we do it by making connectivity a component within the IoT supply chain.”
Data-wise, according to one of the founding partners at Transforma Insights, “Per our analyses of the IoT MVNO market landscape, as far as we’re currently aware, 1NCE added more connections in 2024 than any other IoT MVNO.” This didn’t happen overnight, either; 1NCE has been building its platform for a long time. Fast-forward to the present*, and the company achieved a peak of 1.3 million new devices in one month (*December 2023) and continues to effortlessly add more than 50,000 new devices daily in a fully automated process.
Altogether, this explains why 1NCE was able to succeed in yet another way, this one announced earlier this morning at MWC as the event continues:
As of today, 1NCE is now live in Brazil.
From the official announcement (as I do appreciate how this was worded):
“From Canada in the north to Argentina in the south, 1NCE now has complete coverage in the Americas and in 168 total countries worldwide. The company has secured agreements with all Brazilian cellular networks so that customers have the most reliable IoT possible in Brazil.”
The long-story-short of it? 1NCE now delivers full network coverage and its IoT software at disruptive price points for Brazilian companies in need of unrestricted IoT access.
So yeah, 1NCE is now a fully authorized IoT network operator with its regional headquarters in São Paulo. There, 1NCE is able to offer local data management services, billing and logistics (all in full compliance to Brazilian trading, telecoms and tax regulations).
Rook commented on this news excitedly, saying “The wait for nationwide IoT in Brazil is over. It was no surprise our customers wanted to get started from the first minute we opened in São Paulo. We are scaling up rapidly and already serve customers with IoT projects of any size across all of Brazil.”
1NCE customer service, available in Portuguese and 24 other languages, can assist with SIM cards and chips compatible in Brazil. New customers can start at the 1NCE Connect Shop.
Edited by Greg Tavarez
This post was originally published on the 3rd party mentioned in the title ofthis site