Rogers completed a live-event trial of 5G Cloud RAN at a Blue Jays game – MobileSyrup
Rogers announced that it successfully trialled 5G Cloud-Radio Access Network (Cloud RAN) technology with its network partner, Ericsson, at a “nearly sold-out” Blue Jays game on Canada Day.
In a release, Rogers said the Cloud RAN tech builds on its national standalone 5G core network and called the implementation “foundational” for Rogers’ evolution to next-gen networks. Moreover, Rogers said the Cloud RAN test at the Jays game was the first time the technology had been deployed over a commercial network at a live event in Canada.
Ericsson’s website describes Cloud RAN as a separation of the RAN baseband software and the RAN baseband hardware, enabling baseband software to run on any capable off-the-shelf hardware with cloud-native tools to manage both software and hardware.
Rogers said that the cloud-native technology will allow it to respond more quickly to wireless consumer and enterprise market demands, improve network reliability and resiliency and, ultimately, improve energy efficiency.
It’s worth noting that this wasn’t the only 5G test Rogers performed this year. In February, the company tested network slicing in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.
Source: Rogers
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