Sustainable Technologies through Action, Powered by IoT: Vodafone Speaks at IoT Evolution Expo 2024 – IoT Evolution World

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Quick question: Have you ever thought about what kinds of technologies IoT experts use to make a difference?

Vodafone has.

Earlier today, Erik Kling — Vodafone’s President & Head of Sales, IoT Americas — took to the stage of the Floridian Ballroom of the Broward County Convention Center to cover a crucial IoT Evolution Expo topic: “IoT For Sustainable Business Growth.”

Here’s a long-story-short rundown of his official #TECHSUPERSHOW Keynote Presentation:

  • Vodafone Business, as we know, is actively present in 27 countries and is known very well in Europe, with growing operational relevance in the U.S.
  • Vodafone believes that what is good for the planet can, of course, be strategically good for business. That said, transforming organizations to align with this mantra isn’t always simple; operating sustainably has massive ongoing challenges. That’s why the teams at Vodafone are continually honing their long-term sustainability goals through technology to help communities and other businesses around the world.
  • By 2025, Vodafone aims for 100% of its network waste to be reused, resold or recycled. Full stop. (Also by this time, they should be operating fully off renewable sources, and 100% of the electricity powering their global operations should be purchased responsibly, and through renewable resources.)
  • By 2030, robust Net Zero Enablement goals so their business customers can help to avoid upwards of 350 million tons’ worth of CO2 emissions (while also offering green digital solutions so partners make real, positive impacts).
  • By 2040? Net Zero Emissions across Vodafone’s entire value chain.

“In 1987,” Kling described, “the United Nations defined sustainability as ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ Thus, we need to take responsibility today, and we take this incredibly seriously. Connecting a better future while preserving a healthy, sustainable planet through IoT? That’s a must.”

“And this is easy to talk about,” Kling added, “but the talk has to be followed up by measurable action. You’ve got to do something about it, and enabling inclusive and sustainable digital societies is the way.”

Vodafone’s IoT-in-motion types of actions also include support for solar farms and stations, wind power, more intelligent means of connectivity to make vehicle fleets more efficient (i.e. reducing fuel consumption and excess emissions), and enablement of products that comply with national and international regulations while also meeting the local, real-time needs in every market.

“This is how we’ll make it happen.”

Edited by Alex Passett

This post was originally published on the 3rd party mentioned in the title ofthis site

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