This year alone, the 5G network will have 600 million new subscribers – Free Press – Слободен печат

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By the end of 2029, the number of 5G network subscribers in the world will increase to 5,6 billion, according to the company Ericsson in the latest mobility report of June 2024. Almost 600 million new subscriptions to the 5G network are expected this year alone – writes

As estimated, the global coverage of the population with the fifth generation network – outside China – should double from 40 percent at the end of 2023 to 80 percent by the end of 2029.

“About 300 mobile service providers worldwide now offer 5G services. Fifth generation technology continues to grow in all regions and is expected to account for around 60 percent of mobile phone subscriptions by the end of 2029. About 160 million 5G subscriptions were added worldwide in the first three months of 2024, bringing the total to over 1,7 billion. “Almost 600 million new subscriptions are expected in the whole of 2024,” the Ericsson report states.

Otherwise, data transmission in mobile networks increased by 25 percent year-on-year from the end of March 2023 to the end of March 2024, primarily due to the migration of subscribers to new generations and services with high data consumption, such as video the contents are stated in this report.

Mobile Internet is projected to grow at a rate of about 20 percent annually until the end of 2029.

“A quarter of all data in mobile networks will be processed through 5G technology by the end of 2023, and that figure is expected to increase to around 75 percent by the end of 2029,” the report said.

Technology adoption and subscription growth in Central and Eastern Europe have historically been slower than in Western Europe, the report notes.

“Thus, the start of 5G network development differs by country, partly due to slower spectrum allocation processes – for example, auctions (for the use of frequencies) in Poland did not end until October 2023.” On the other hand, the Czech Republic has one of the largest deployments of 5G private networks in Central Europe. Poland is expected to follow suit, given the large manufacturing base and availability of 5G spectrum in the industry. Currently, the dominant technology is 4G, which accounted for 81 percent of all subscriptions at the end of 2023. There, the growth of mobile phone subscriptions has slowed and is expected to be almost zero in the coming years. From 2025, 5G is expected to be the only growing type of subscription,” Ericsson said in its report.

The implementation of the 5G network is said to be still ongoing and far from complete.

The company expects “strong growth in 5G network subscriptions worldwide, with just under 600 million new 5G subscriptions in 2024” and indicates that it is necessary to continue the implementation of stand-alone 5G mode in order to fully exploit the potential of the fifth generation network. While in Western Europe, 5G network subscribers are expected to grow from 257 million to 430 million in 2029, China is expected to grow from 771 million subscribers to as many as 1,5 billion in 2029.

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